Community Benefit Partners
Eagle County School District
STEM: Project Lead The Way
Vail Health's support of Eagle County School District has helped STEM teachers bring new and real world experiences to local students interested science, technology, engineering and math through programs like Project Lead The Way. Together, we are giving students access to the tools and hands-on experiences that inspire the leaders of tomorrow.
Vail Mountain Rescue Group
Search & Rescue Support
Vail Health supports Vail Mountain Rescue Group with donations to purchase equipment for their search and rescue efforts in Eagle County.
"Thanks to Vail Health's generous donation, our team has been able to purchase some fantastic new equipment to support our rescue efforts. Together, we take pride in supporting the health and safety of our community." - Ted Katauskas | President, Vail Mountain Rescue Group
Education Foundation of Eagle County

STEM Grants
Vail Health is proud to support 18 STEM grants/teachers totaling over $20,000 — at 9 schools elementary, middle, and high schools directly impacting over 2,024 students with their STEM-related classroom programs. Congratulations to Sandra Drechsler, Avid Instructor at EVMS - Eagle Valley Middle School, and all the teachers who received an Education Foundation of Eagle County (EFEC) Classroom Grant this semester.
"Thank you for your generosity! These resources will provide my students with a brave space to experience and manage conflict while maintaining a positive work environment. Developing relational capacity is hard work and my students and I know that we are better together! You can find just a few of tomorrow´s great leaders in [this photo]!" - Sandra
Mountain Valley Horse Rescue

Heart, Opportunity, Perseverance and Empathy
Vail Health is proud to support Mountain Valley Horse Rescue’s scholarship program, as well as other local organizations who share our mission of elevating health across our mountain communities.Bright Future Foundation

Victim First Care Support
Vail Health donated generously to the campaign to build the Bright Future Foundation's BrightHouse, and continues to provide support for its Victim First Care program. An anonymous survivor said, "Victim First Care, a program of Vail Health and Bright Future Foundation, provided the immediate medical care and support I needed to stabilize my life. BrightHouse gave me the safe space and time to heal. Today, I am strong and grateful."Sol Center

Centralized Support Services in Summit County
Vail Health recently donated funds to FIRC to help build the Sol Center in Breckenridge. The Sol Center is a collaboration between a few funding partners to help have one centralized place for food, clothing and mental health services in Summit County. FIRC & Building Hope empower people through education and support to help them manage the challenges of housing, parenting, mental health & healthcare so locals in Summit County can thrive. They will be sharing the Sol Center when it opens in Fall of 2025. Learn more about this initiative at Eagle County

Vail Health Supports Local 4-H Participants
During the Eagle County Fair & Rodeo, local youth participated in 4-H projects ranging from sewing and cooking to showing livestock they had raised like pigs, sheep, goats and rabbits. To support the hard work and effort of their projects, Vail Health donated $5,000 to 4-H club members to help further their education.“Submitting a 4-H project is a huge time commitment, both on the side of the 4-H member as well as their parents, and we are proud to recognize the dedication of the 4-Hers and their families with a donation to their future projects or education,” said Will Cook, Vail Health President and CEO. “4-H teaches responsibility, leadership and hard work, helping create upstanding members of our community. Congratulations to each member on their outstanding work.”
The 33 recipients varied in age from 9-17 and showcased through their projects the 4-H values of Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
“We are very thankful for this donation,” said Jona Nykreim, certified physician assistant at Colorado Mountain Medical. “Callaway is nine and has grown so much through 4-H already. Donations such as this from Vail Health help her to invest in her projects moving forward and eventually build an account for college.”
The 4-H donation is part of Vail Health’s more than $20 million annual community giveback program.