Call (970) 479-7181 for questions. The Family Birth Center is located in Vail Health Hospital.
Vail Health is recognized as a Maternal and Infant Care Quality Champion by the Colorado Perinatal Care Quality Collaborative. This designation means that our hospital has access to the most current data, best practices and resources available and is leading the way for the safest, healthiest outcomes for Colorado’s women and infants.We work with Colorado Mountain Medical’s obstetric gynecologists to ensure patients comfort, care and safety. The Vail Health childbirth team includes registered nurses, obstetricians, neonatal nurse practitioners and the Vail Babies Nurse Navigator in the care of healthy babies and NICU patients. Our Howard Head Sports Medicine pelvic health therapists are available to work with you during pregnancy to manage discomfort that may accompany your changing body. In addition, they can provide therapy in the early post-partum phase to help you return to activity quickly and safely.
Vail Health's mission is to bring premier obstetric and neonatal care to the Vail Valley and surrounding communities. Our Family Birth Center is state-of-the-art, designed to deliver health care services in a relaxing and attractive setting. Philosophically oriented to our patients' and their families' needs, we focus on partnering with them to provide optimal family-centered care.
For women, this facility ensures continuous contact and involvement with their families, newborns and support persons. Patients feel more secure and comfortable in a home-like setting, and therefore gain a greater sense of physical and emotional well-being. Labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum (LDRP) rooms and daily "Quiet Time" from 2 PM to 4 PM encourage earlier bonding between the mother and baby, as well as greater involvement from the partner. Family-centered Cesarean sections also improve the family's birthing experience. The Family Birth Center encourages "rooming in," or keeping your infant in the room with you until discharge, which has been shown to improve breastfeeding rates, sleep and parent-infant bonding.
For physicians and nurses, the LDRP concept provides more direct family contact and patient support. The opportunity to educate patients about childcare and postpartum issues is also enhanced.