- First and last name
- Department
- The illness you are experiencing
- A phone number where you can be reached
Please note we have updated our policy for return to work for employees who had contracted COVID.
We no longer require a negative test for your return to work. Employees that have not had symptoms for at least 24 hours, may return to work.
Those returning employees will need to wear a mask (N95/KN95) for 10 days from the onset of their symptoms. Employees will also need to avoid congregating or eating in common areas and attempt to maintain social distancing as much as possible. If they wish to re-rest and are negative they may have those mask and distancing restriction lifted early.
We will have employees continue to email employee health aa-employeehealth@vailhealth.org or mark.pitcher@vailhealth.org (if from an outside email) when they are symptom free and are returning to work.