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I'm writing this letter to convey my heartfelt and most sincerethanks to all of the people that are responsible for my currentgood health and successful battle against cancer. I feel confidentthat due to all of the help you gave me that in the future I willbe able to enjoy all of the activities I've enjoyed in thepast.
First of all if it wasn't for my good friend Buz Didier taking meto the Vail Valley Medical Center I wouldn't be here writing this.Thanks Buz Man!
During my three weeks in the hospital everyone there was sohelpful and supportive. Thank you!
Especially inspirational while I was beginning my recovery was Dr.Francoise. He helped me realize that my will to live was just asimportant as the treatment.
God bless my son Eric and daughter Bay. Both of them sat there withme during the three most difficult weeks of my life.
After my release from the clinic I began my chemo and radiationtreatments which Bay Eric Margo and Roger made sure I got to theShaw Cancer Center to receive.
For the past two and a half months they got me there five days aweek. I'm so deeply indebted to them for being there for me. Wordscan't convey my feelings for all of them. Bay Eric Margo andRoger have been my guardian angels and I love them all somuch!
Thank you to all of the people at the Shaw Center. They have keptme alive. The entire staff - greeters nurses techniciansdoctors. All of you. I wouldn't be here without you! To Katie Dr.Hardenberg Dr. Urquhart and my three special ladies from theRadiation Department you made my daily treatments so easy during adifficult time.
A giant special thank you to Margo and Roger for taking me intotheir home to recover.
Bay Eric Margo Roger without you guys I would not have made itthrough this challenge. I love you guys so so much! Thanks!
Frederic P. Nordstrom
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