The Best Health Apps for Eating Sleeping and Working Out
Katie Mazzia MS RD CDE is a nutritionist at Vail Valley Medical Center. She suggests the following great apps to reach your fitness and nutrition potential.
Seafoodwatch (free)
Ever wonder which fish are sustainable safe eco-friendly wild caught and not full of contaminants? Check this app out to select the best choices!
Clean 15 Dirty Dozen (free)
Which foods should you buy conventional vs. organic? This app ranks food based on pesticide residue.
Fooducate (free)
This is a wildly popular app that grades your food A-D based on sugars whole grains additives and more.
Healthy Diet and Grocery Food Scanner (free)
A bar code scanner for packaged foods the higher the points the healthier the food.
Gluten Free/Allergy Free Passport
Avoid gluten wheat dairy egg peanuts tree nuts soy corn fish and shellfish everywhere!
Workout Trainer (free)
A certified personal trainer guides you through exercises with timed step-by-step audio photo and video instructions complete with encouragement!
Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (free)
If you aren't a good sleeper try this bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase.
Instant Heart Rate (free)
See every heart beat on the monitor just like in ER rooms. Instant Heart Rate uses your phone's camera to detect the pulse from your fingertip.
Other popular apps include MyFitnessPal Lose It! Max's Plate (for kids) and Meal Snap.
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