Vail Hospital Opens New Patient Resource Center
Vail Valley Medical Center is pleased to announce the opening ofthe new Patient Resource Center - Kimberly's Corner. The newcenter named in honor Kimberly Linn McDonald was created to serveas a place of respite and resource for patients guests and staff.The resource center is home to computers patient resource booksmagazines and brochures in a relaxing environment.
The corner located in the atrium of the main hospital in Vailis a part of Vail Valley Medical Center's continued commitment toprovide safe quality patient care.
"We recognize how busy our patients and their families are andwant to support them in finding the resources they need for theirhealthcare" said Doris Kirchner president and CEO of Vail ValleyMedical Center.
The model for patients and their care is changing. Medicalcenters around the country are incorporating patient resourcecenters and providing places like Kimberly's Corner to have a quietplace away from the hustle and bustle of the hospital they cancome and get a little bit of respite.
Kimberly's Corner is named in honor of Vail teen Kimberly LinnMcDonald who lost her life to medical complications in November2000. She served as a Vail Valley Medical Junior VolunteerColorado State High School Ambassador in Washington D.C. VailRotary Ambassador in Italy and was a valued member of the NordicSki team and Speech & Debate team.  
The Kimberly Linn McDonald Foundation was created in her honorto keep her spirit of giving alive. The foundation provides studentscholarships and patient safety education. 
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