Vail-Summit Orthopaedics Donates Money to Shaw Regional Cancer Center
When Vail-Summit Orthopaedics EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)PJ Bevan had a young male patient recently request a pink cast tohonor his mom a breast cancer survivor he was touched to say theleast. It also sparked an idea.
"I thought it would be fun to inspire others to do the same"Bevan said. "And then I realized this would be a great time of yearto host a fundraising campaign since we put on so many casts overSpring Break due to ski injuries."
With that Bevan and Vail-Summit Orthopaedics launched adonation idea that will help raise funds for the Shaw Cancer Centerlocated in Edwards. This past spring VSO offered all patients inneed of a cast the color pink in honor of breast cancer awareness.For those who choose the color VSO donated $20 per cast to theShaw Regional Cancer Center.
The campaign resulted in a $580 donation check to Shaw RegionalCancer Center.
"We believe that community health encompasses not only the bodybut also the mind and we endeavor to support opportunities thatpromote wellness and education" said Vail-Summit Orthopaedics CEOChip Webb. "We devote funds to local organizations that focus onhealthy activities community wide interest and educationalopportunities."
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