VVMC Earns Accreditation
Vail Valley Medical Center recently earned The JointCommission's Gold Seal of Approval for accreditation bydemonstrating compliance with The Joint Commission's nationalstandards for health care quality and safety in hospitals.
The medical center recently underwent a rigorous unannouncedon-site survey during which they were praised in many categoriesincluding surgical team communication exceptional facilitymaintenance and resource and patient management. A team of JointCommission expert surveyors evaluated the medical center forcompliance with standards of care specific to the needs ofpatients including infection prevention and control leadershipand medication management.
"This accreditation provides us a framework to take ourorganization to the next level and helps us continue our culture ofexcellence" said Doris Kirchner president and CEO of Vail ValleyMedical Center. "Achieving Joint Commission accreditation shows weare providing superior health services and continually improvingthe care we provide."
The Joint Commission's hospital standards address importantfunctions relating to the care of patients and the management ofhospitals. The standards are developed in consultation with healthcare experts providers measurement experts and patients.
The Joint Commission the nation's oldest and largeststandards-setting and accrediting body in health care seeks tocontinuously improve health care for the public by evaluatinghealth care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providingsafe and effective care of the highest quality and value. The JointCommission evaluates and accredits more than 19000 health careorganizations and programs in the United States including morethan 10300 hospitals and home care organizations.
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