VVMC Earns Nuclear Medicine Accreditation
VVMC has been awarded a three-year term of accreditation innuclear medicine as the result of a recent review by the AmericanCollege of Radiology (ACR). Nuclear medicine is a branch of medicalimaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material ingestedby the patient to diagnose and treat a variety of diseaseincluding many types of cancers heart disease and certain otherabnormalities within the body.
The ACR gold seal of accreditation represents the highest level ofimage quality and patient safety. It is awarded only to facilitiesmeeting ACR Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards after apeer-review evaluation by board-certified physicians and medicalphysicists who are experts in the field. Image quality personnelqualifications adequacy of facility equipment quality controlprocedures and quality assurance programs are assessed. Thefindings are reported to the ACR Committee on Accreditation whichsubsequently provides the practice with a comprehensive report theycan use for continuous practice improvement.
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