Call (970) 926-6340 to schedule a telehealth or in-person appointment in Avon, Eagle or Vail.
Colorado Mountain Medical treats patients in all areas of internal medicine including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and asthma in adults of all ages. Our internists serve as primary care physicians and are called upon to act as consultants to specialists throughout the continuum of care.All Medicare patients and most people with health insurance can receive an Annual Wellness Visit with 100% of initial costs covered and no out-of-pocket expense to the patient. If additional services are needed, the patient may be required to pay a deductible or co-pay.
Annual Wellness Visit includes:
- Measure height, weight, blood pressure and body-mass index
- Review of medical and family history
- Developing or updating a list of current providers and prescriptions
- Detection of any cognitive impairment
- Personalized health advice
- Identify risk factors, treatment options and appropriate preventative services
* No referral is necessary. Check with your insurance provider to confirm eligibility.